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Bed & Breakfast - Casa Mannini - Via Casa Mannini, 2 84010 Maiori (Sa) Amalfi Coast - Italy - Tel. +39 331 62 61 044

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According to the law no. 675/96, we give you the following information:

  • data collected in this form will be used for counting purposes and for the elaboration and sending of the request;
  • data will be handled in papery and informatic way;
  • data will be stored just with the reference of the sender, without any other personal information;
  • bestowing data is necessary to explicate the service requested and we can’t provide it without collecting that details;
  • data will be not diffused. You can apply in every moment the rights of the article 13 of the law 675/1996 contacting the provider of the treatment. 
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